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How sorted is your Website for Halloween?

Well, it’s Halloween around the corner and the guys at Google have been trying to throw all sorts of bad guys at us. The latest of which is the Disavow Tool from Google, that aims to allow webmasters a tool so that they can disassociate their websites from potentially dangerous or unnatural links. Facebook too has been playing about more with their EdgeRank algorithm.

So, what does this all mean for your website and Halloween and SEO? It just means that the guys trying to get your website higher up on the Google rankings need to make sure that they are following Google’s guidelines and not using any bad practices. There are lots of other smaller, more technical things too. Below is a great infographic that was designed by the guys at Advanced Web Ranking to try and put some humour into the explanation of SEO and the items contained in Search Engine algorithms, particularly Google’s algorithm.

Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts on it.

Halloween SEO infographic

Inforgraphic courtesy of Advanced Web Ranking